Hello Everyone, and Welcome to Our Mini Green World

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Before anything else, we’d like to thank you for choosing to spend some time on our platform. If you’re here, then we believe you are quite interested in sustainable living, green energy, and any other thing that may be considered beneficial for the environment. In our case, we’ve decided to dedicate every spare minute we have to provide relevant and incredibly useful information with regard to carbon-neutral and carbon-negative living.

Carbon-Neutral Living: Definition

Fortunately, a great deal of individuals are beginning to realize what harmful effects fossil fuels have on the environment. As some of you probably know, burning fossil fuels is one of the activities that emit the most greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This eventually leads to entrapping the heat in the air, which, of course, contributes to the risk of global warming.

Therefore, people who have chosen to live a carbon-neutral lifestyle are trying their best to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by implementing various changes into their everyday lives. Going carbon neutral is quite vital if we want to save our planet. Numerous studies have been conducted to prove the increase in carbon footprint.

In 2000, the carbon dioxide emissions reached more than 25 billion tonnes. In 2020, however, the number increased to 34 billion tonnes. This is one of the many that show how bad fossil fuels are for the environment. Fortunately, many corporations aim to reduce their carbon footprint by going carbon-neutral. Some of the most prominent companies even have ambitions to become carbon-negative in a few years.

Carbon-Negative: Definition

Carbon-negative differs from the term carbon-neutral. People living carbon-neutral life still emit carbon dioxide emissions, however, they also do the necessary things to remove the same amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Carbon-negative, on the other hand, refers to the process of removing more carbon dioxide emissions than you emit.

In the simplest terms, carbon-neutral living contributes to keeping the balance in the atmosphere by not increasing the carbon footprint, while the carbon-negative approach contributes to actually reducing the carbon emissions. Even though it is impossible for individuals to be carbon-negative, some companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have shared their plans on becoming carbon-negative within the next 20 to 30 years.

Becoming Carbon-Neutral In A Day

Even though it may seem challenging at first, going carbon-neutral is completely possible. The only thing you need to do is… well, start. Thanks to advanced technology, there are numerous ways in which you may calculate your carbon footprint. Platforms and applications of this type are free to use and are super user-friendly, making it possible for everyone to keep track of their daily greenhouse gas emissions.

If you make even the slightest change in your daily life, this may have a very positive impact on our planet. For instance, instead of driving your car to work, you may ride your bike or go on foot if your workplace is not that far from your house. This way, you’ll not only reduce your carbon footprint, but you’ll also improve your overall health.

Substituting plastic bags with an eco-friendly shopping bag, not buying stuff you don’t like, and choosing sustainable fashion rather than fast fashion are just a few of the very simple lifestyle changes you could make starting today. Undeniably, carbon-negative living is not possible for ordinary people, which is one of the reasons why this term is often associated with large companies.

Living a carbon-neutral life, however, is completely imaginable, and we are glad to see how many people are beginning to realize that our planet’s condition is not good at all, and try their best to reduce the bad emissions in the atmosphere. Many countries all around the world also strive to become carbon-neutral, but this phenomenon still hasn’t emerged.

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We hope we’ve managed to give you a clear idea of the content we are about to present on our blog. Our goal is for the articles to be comprehensive and accessible to everyone. That’s the reason why we’ll use simple language and will thoroughly explain every term used in our work. Additionally, we’ve made sure that our website is completely accessible via any device, including smartphones.